School days: getting your little one ready to start school

School days: getting your little one ready to start school

A bittersweet moment for any parent, it can be hard to believe your baby is getting ready to start school for the first time. You might find yourself wondering how to make the first time school transition period a little easier for them. From a new backpack to a new pair of school shoes, we’re sure you’ve got the essentials covered, however, don’t forget about the changes you can make at home for a smooth transition as you prepare for school – refreshing their bedroom to encourage learning and play.

Extra storage for their new school gear

First of all, they’ll need somewhere to store their new bits and pieces. Make sure they have somewhere to hang up their bag and coat ready for morning and help them practice getting their things ready the night before so they’re ready to go. You might want to spend some time reorganising your little one’s wardrobe. Summer clothes can be packed away for next year, but most importantly you should make sure their school uniform or nursery clothes are clearly laid out. This will make it far easier to get ready in the mornings and prepare for school, encouraging your child to try and do these things somewhat independently. Discover our complete range of children’s wardrobes to suit every decor style, from traditional to modern.

Discover our collection of wardrobes.

Somewhere to do their school work 

Your little one is bound to come home with new books to read, and perhaps even some homework or summer projects! They’ll need a space for doing their work, either at a desk in their own room or in your main living area, as well as somewhere to store their reading books. Browse our complete range of bookcases to suit a variety of spaces. Play around with the layout of the room, you might be able to add in a cosy reading corner or a special place to display their favourite books. Our bookcases also come in handy for displaying any new artwork or adorable homemade creations they bring home from school.

Discover our Montessori table and chairs set.

A restful night’s sleep

This transition period might impact your little one’s sleep routine. They could be full of excitement for starting school, or perhaps a little anxious. All you can do is talk through any worries about when they start school with them and make sure they are as comfortable as possible. This starts with their sleeping arrangements. It’s likely that you’ve already made the switch from a cot bed to a single bed, but if you haven’t, it’s best to get this out the way before they start school to minimise change around the time of their first day. Don’t forget a matching bedside table to complete their new grown-up space, perfect for a nightlight they can operate themselves or even a small glass of water. You might also like to add a special toy or ornament or even a framed family photo. Looking across at these familiar items could help to give your little one some reassurance when they’re feeling anxious about when they start school.

Building independence 

These changes in your home are all about building independence during a period that is full of change for your child as they prepare for school. Building independence at home will match their new routine at school, as your child becomes more confident in doing things for themselves and learning new skills. Here are some household tasks that will help your little one build independence and resilience before they start school:

  • Clearing away their plate
  • Helping with small tasks in the kitchen (mixing food, washing vegetables)
  • Hanging up their coat and bag and tidying away their shoes
  • Putting their laundry into the washing basket

Children love nothing more than to help, and this sense of contribution is extremely valuable for their self-esteem and autonomy as they grow and prepare to start school. 

Discover our book and toy storage for toddlers.

First day of school tips for parents

Tips for starting school: 

  1. Read books together about starting school
  2. Practice the school morning routine and/or journey to school
  3. Visit the school before they start or look at the school’s website together
  4. Show your child photos from when you were at school
  5. Take the time to listen to your child and discuss how they’re feeling

How is your little one feeling about starting school this year? We’d love to hear about the impact these changes have on your home as your prepare for school. Share a photo and tell us more about your experiences and tips for starting school in our community. Tag us @petiteamelie to share your first day of school tips for parents. Good luck!